The yoga team of NVN School continues to excel

The yoga team of NVN School continues to excel and we are confident that our Yoga is the one of the best in the entire Hodal-Palwal region.The presence of Grand son of Sheede azam Bhagat Singh, Sh Yadvinder Singh Sandhu, our Sarpanch Satya Dev Gautam further helped in boosting the morale of the team. These […]


NVN SPORTS FEST – Once again Yoga performance given by the NVN students was par excellence as students gave a wonderful performance in the various Yoga Asans as well as complicated and complex Yoga formations. We have a firm belief that “catch them young” leads to best results as the skills that we acquire at […]

दिनांक 04 नवंबर व 5 नवंबर 2019 को अत्यधिक वायु प्रदूषण होने के कारण विद्यालय में अवकाश

सर्व निजी विद्यालय मुखिया, आप सभी को आदेश दिए जाते है कि दिनांक 04 नवंबर व 5 नवंबर 2019 को अत्यधिक वायु प्रदूषण होने के कारण माननीय जिला उपायुक्त, पलवल के आदेशानुसार सभी सरकारी व निजी विद्यालय अपने अपने विद्यालयों में अवकाश घोषित करेंगे । आदेशों की अवहेलना करने पर माननीय जिला उपायुक्त के आदेशानुसार […]

A Parent Teacher Meeting is scheduled on Saturday i.e 12/10/19

Dear Parents,   A Parent Teacher Meeting is scheduled on Saturday i.e 12/10/19 for classes 1st to 10th From 08:30 AM to 11:30 AM to discuss the Academic performance of your ward. Parents are requested to be on time.   REGARDS, PRINCIPAL NVN SCHOOL BHIDUKI